What is Karate?

There are many styles of traditional martial arts each with characteristic elements steeped in historical and cultural evolution.  Some styles are considered “hard” (aggressive and direct), others “soft” (passive and circular).  Some emphasize foot techniques (kicking), and other hand techniques (punching, striking, et.).  Traditionally, Shotokan karate is considered an aggressive style which emphasizes strong blocks, deep attacks, and hand as well as foot techniques.  Because of such emphases, the Shotokan style has an enviable record in tournament competition and has earned widespread recognition as a viable fighting form.  Although competing in tournaments may seem like a distant goal, this is well within your reach with steady and consistent training.

Karate training can be divided into 3 primary training activities:

  • Kihon (fundamentals)
  • Kata (forms): A highly structured pattern of body and limb movements incorporating various defensive and offensive fighting techniques in a prearranged sequence.
  • Kumite (sparring)

Kata is a very important part of karate training and may be performed alone or in a group.  Each kata varies from one another in complexity and duration as the student progresses through the ranks.  Though unique to the martial arts, kata resemble a combination of dance, shadow boxing, and gymnastics floor routines.  The techniques comprising a kata should be performed with great seriousness against an imaginary opponent, not simply as a memorized sequence of movements.  This visualization process not only improves the appearance of the kata, but it also maximizes the transfer of kata techniques to the kumite arena.

As with Kata training, Kumite training advances from simple to more complex techniques as one’s training journey progresses.  Through a system of gradual progression, one proceeds from elementary training (one prearranged attack – one prearranged defense), through intermediate level training (three prearranged attacks –three prearranged defenses), to advanced freestyle fighting matches with multiple 6-8) opponents.  It is important for the student to keep in mind that what may seem beyond your reach at the outset, can be achieved with steady and consistent training.
